
What it can be again

A new issue of The American Interest it out. From Time, Michael Grunwald on how the stimulus is changing America. It increasingly seems as if the policy makers attending like physicians to the American economy are peering into their medical kits and coming up empty. Jeremiah Bannister discusses the recent suppression at applied against contributing editors from The Distributist Review. Dicking Around: This is Judd Apatow’s vision of America, as realized in three self-help fables — over the last half-decade it has really struck a chord. When disaster strikes a country that doesn’t like America - as with the floods in Pakistan — foreign aid can be a public relations tactic. From Mother Jones, a special report on BP's Deep Secrets. A 10 percent World: Our natural world is a fraction of what it was before the mass culls and oil spills of the human era — to imagine how it once was is not to lament, but to picture what it can be again. From Meanland, McKenzie Wark writes on publishing A Hacker Manifesto and the beginnings of a copygift economy; Sherman Young explores how the book as a physical object enables control of the industry, and what e-books mean for key stakeholders; Emmett Stinson gives us the lowdown on book piracy and associated myths; and Margaret Simons examines all that is exciting and frightening about reading in a digital era. Heeb magazine suspends print edition, goes on-line only.