
The policing of gender norms

Marie-Pierre Dargnies (WZB): Social Identity and Competitiveness. True emancipation of women requires a politics that has been shed of its masculinity to pave the way for socialism for women and men equally. When did girls start wearing pink? Every generation brings a new definition of masculinity and femininity that manifests itself in children’s dress. Who makes the call at the mall, men or women? (and more) Men without women: Niall Ferguson on the ominous rise of a bachelor generation. Why do we let them dress like that? Women of a liberated generation wrestle with their eager-to-grow-up daughters — and their own pasts. Boys' and girls' brains are different — but not always in the ways you might think. Why do boys these days get no love? What have they done to deserve their treatment at our hands? We’ve let go of the silly notion that all women are hardwired to nurture rather than compete; what some of us are still not seeing is that men are every bit as adaptable. Can it not possibly be that feminine people dress or behave femininely or indeed do anything just to suit ourselves? Femme Guy is tired of people questioning his motivations to live and celebrate his femmeness. Can manhood survive the lost decade? A look at what the Mancession has done to the middle aged male. A review of The Flipside of Feminism: What Conservative Women Know — and Men Can't Say by Suzanne Venker and Phyllis Schlafly. Is God woman’s greatest nemesis? (and part 2) Anxiety gender gap: Are women really more anxious than men? A psychology study from Hong Kong suggests that, among men, the impulses to make love and war are deeply intertwined. Is it natural for older guys to lust after young women? An interview with Niobe Way, author of Deep Secrets: Boys’ Friendships and the Crisis of Connection. An article on nail polish and the policing of gender norms.