
Standing in the way

Neve Gordon (Ben-Gurion): Democracy and Colonialism. Karen E. Bravo (Indiana): On Making Persons: Legal Constructions of Personhood and Their Nexus with Human Trafficking. Running away from "Mama Grizzly": Are well-off progressives standing in the way of a real movement for economic justice? Driving the Limit: Are wealthy nations maxed out on travel? From NYRB, Joanne Landy and Thomas Harrison on repression in Bahrain. John Boehner likes to say that the United States is “broke, going on bankrupt,” but we’re not broke — not at all. A review of Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion by Janet Reitman. From bomb-bearing balloons to the Global Hawk: Ed Darack on a brief history of unmanned aircraft. John Hayman on homosexuality as a survival advantage for early man. Immanuel Wallerstein on the political quandary of Barack Obama. Here are 10 reasons why Japan's door to the top job keeps on revolving — and why his successor will need unwavering guts. A review of Hugh Trevor-Roper: The Biography by Adam Sisman.