
How to make anything signify anything

The latest issue of Kenneth Burke Journal is out. From Arts and Opinion, George Scialabba on Chomsky, Hitchens and 9/11; and David Solway deconstructs Noam Chomsky. From Stanford Social Innovation Review, an article on the problem with fair trade coffee. From, a special issue on neuro-, cognitive, and evolutionary aesthetics, including an interview with Walter Benn Michaels on photography and politics. Your commute is killing you: Long commutes cause obesity, neck pain, loneliness, divorce, stress, and insomnia. A profile of David Yerushalmi, the man behind the anti-Shariah movement. Wired, pyjama communism drives ethical hackers: In the face of growing intolerance, hactivists continue to expose erring corporates and governments. Ariel Levy on the rush to lose her virginity at fourteen: “Nobody would gasp if they heard a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old had lost her virginity. The clock was ticking”. From Cabinet, the birth of modern cryptanalysis: William Sherman on how to make anything signify anything. As researchers explore using psychedelic drugs to treat mental illness, a powerful Amazonian hallucinogen is gaining the most devoted followers of all. It’s an imperative with a millennia-long history, but why is it important to develop a thorough knowledge of the self? Raise your weapons: An interview with Mickey Z. Josef H. Reichholf's The Origin of Beauty: Darwin's Greatest Dilemma is a declaration of love for a nature that is not simply utilitarian but also wasteful and theatrical. Maria Bustillos on Marshall McLuhan, Superstar. The rise of the macro-nationalists: The manifesto of Anders Behring Breivik reveals a new doctrine of civilizational war that represents the closest thing yet to a Christian version of Al Qaeda. Dear Angry Lunatic: Sam Harris responds to Chris Hedges.