
To protect the planet

A new issue of Our Planet is out. Burns H. Weston (Iowa): The Theoretical Foundations of Intergenerational Ecological Justice: An Overview. From Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, a special issue on global climate change and non-violent civil disobedience. From Breakthrough Journal, love your monsters: Bruno Latour on to the question of technology to protect the planet from ecological crisis; and planet of no return: A forum on the Anthropocene, including a lead essay by Erle Ellis and responses. Carbon Copy: Timothy Noah on the best way to fix the deficit — and the environment. Paranoia you better believe: A review of The Global Warming Deception: How a Secret Elite Plans to Bankrupt America and Steal Your Freedom by Grant R. Jeffrey. How engineering the human body could combat climate change: From drugs to help you avoid eating meat to genetically engineered cat-like eyes to reduce the need for lighting, a wild interview about changes humans could make to themselves to battle climate change. Can bioengineers make human beings more sustainable? Nature already tried that, and look how it turned out.