
Living in the margins

A new issue of Business and Economic History On-Line is out. From Public Knowledge Journal, a special issue on Ecological Inequalities and Interventions. Pack it up, pack it in, it’s over — political polling has reached its end point: Public Policy Polling asks voters in Michigan if they agreed with Mitt Romney’s claim that the state has trees that are the right height. Living in the margins: In medieval marginalia, you might find complaining monks, a nun breastfeeding a monkey, and sexual wordplay — oh, and doodles, lots of doodles. In defense of George Zimmerman: How the gun lobby, conservatives, and right-wing media have rallied to defend the man who killed Trayvon Martin. Wishful mapping: A half-baked Alaska, and the passage that wasn't there. Blue Man Coup: Susan Zakin on how Gadhafi’s mercenaries broke Mali (and part 2). Democracy journal founder and wunderkind Democrat Andrei Cherny, “Clinton’s heir”, is focusing on the Jewish state in his race for Congress. From Design Observer, Rolf Potts on tourist snapshots. Mark Weisbrot on how Europeans' economic future has been hijacked by dangerous ideologues.