
Where our conclusions might take us

Michael Hauskeller (Exeter): Utopia in Trans- and Posthumanism and Reinventing Cockaigne: Utopian Themes in Transhumanist Thought. Toine Spapens (Tilburg): Do Mafias Control the Criminal World? A Network Perspective. Ciara Torres-Spelliscy (Stetson): How Much is an Ambassadorship? And the Tale of How Watergate Led to a Strong Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and a Weak Federal Election Campaign Act. From The National Interest, Jay Zawatsky on A New Energy Era (in 3 parts). Brian Ingrassia on what the intellectual history of college coaching can tell us about Penn State. The Chronicle Review brings together some key thinkers to discuss what science can and cannot tell us about free will, and where our conclusions might take us. Economists find evidence for famous hypothesis of “comparative advantage”. Why is everyone on the Internet so angry?