
The nature of family

Naomi Cahn (GWU): The New Kinship. Michele Goodwin and Naomi Duke (Minnesota): Baby Cooperatives: Rethinking the Nature of Family. Susan Frelich Appleton (WUSTL): Illegitimacy and Sex, Old and New. Melissa E. Murray (UC-California): What's so New About the New Illegitimacy? We call it “family planning,” even though much of what happens in starting and cultivating a family could rightly be called a surprise, pleasant or otherwise. Are childless people freeloading on the world's parents? From NYRB, a review essay on motherhood. Do we secretly envy the childfree, or is childlessness still a taboo? Basques capture Mothers Cup: Meet the perfect moms who have your back — but aren’t overbearing. A review of Philosophical Inquiries into Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Mothering: Maternal Subjects. Why are teen moms poor? Surprising new research shows it’s not because they have babies — they have babies because they’re poor. A review of Breaking Their Will: Shedding Light on Religious Child Maltreatment by Janet Heimlich.