paper trail

Jan 3, 2011 @ 9:00:00 am

One of Artist and librarian Rachael Morrison's book-smelling ledgers.

Those were the days: GalleyCat rounds up the top ten publishing stories for each month of 2010.

We love the smell of books in the morning, as does artist and MoMA librarian Rachael Morrison, who spends her lunch-break sniffing each book in MoMA’s library and cataloging her impressions (such as “armpit,” or “cigar smoke and tea”) in an accounting ledger. So far, she’s chronicled the scent of one hundred and fifty tomes out of the library’s three hundred thousand volumes. (via The Rumpus).

Amazon has announced a breakthrough in the Kindle’s software that allows users to lend an e-book.

While catching up on the vast number of "best books of 2010" lists that have flooded literary channels lately, a sense of panic is sure to set in: So many Great books, so little time. Where to begin? The Guardian has posted the perfect starting point: “Five best lines from the year's best books.” And, the list has a great litmus test for those still debating whether or not to read Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom. We're sure the line from that little-known novel will strike you as either soulfully profound or laughably pretentious: “There's a hazardous sadness to the first sounds of someone else's work in the morning; it's as if stillness experiences pain in being broken.”