paper trail

Feb 25, 2010 @ 6:05:00 am

The Ask Author Sam Lipsyte

To see how publishers are advertising in the digital age, subscribe to FSG's newsletter The LipSite, which promotes Sam Lipsyte's book The Ask (pub date: 3/2) by sending readers doses of the novel's acidic wit (and author interviews) "precisely at the most depressing point of your workweek." Perhaps it is better than those trailers that publishers use to promote books, which Salon's Laura Miller calls "silly," but if you're going to do a trailer, do it like this clever one for John Wray's Lowboy.

Polish up your love stories, readers: the editors at htmlgiant are holding a writing contest, to be judged by Rick Moody. The winner will receive a library's worth of books from the venerable Dalkey Archive Press.

Tony Judt's Ill Fares the Land, based on a lecture on social democracy he gave at NYU this fall, is being rushed to print on March 15.