
Monotonously consistent

Yofi Tirosh (Tel Aviv): The Right to Be Fat. Chase Madar on how the punitive confinement of Bradley Manning, far from being an obscene anomaly, has been monotonously consistent with American laws and customs. A review of Timelines: A Political History of the Modern World by John Rees. Aryeh Neier, founder of Human Rights Watch, on freedom, blasphemy, and violence. Who killed sarcasm? Simon Doonan on how we’re trapped in an era of sincerity — let us out! A review of Like a Virgin: How Science is Redesigning the Rules of Sex by Aarathi Prasad. Who’s loving it? Annemarie van Oosten on the McDonaldization of the sex industry. Can you train business school students to be ethical? The way we’re doing it now doesn’t work — we need a new way. What kind of book reader are you? A diagnostics guide (and part 2). From Popular Mechanics, David Coburn on One World Trade Center and 9 more feats of mega-engineering. Coming soon: The idea that paralyzed people might one day control their limbs just by thinking is no longer a Hollywood-style fantasy. A review of Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust That Society Needs to Thrive by Bruce Schneier.