
Taken beyond the frame

Jessie Allen (Pittsburgh): Theater of International Justice. From Slate, the legacy of George W. Bush is having a bit of a revival — and some Republicans can’t stand it. Is American nonviolence possible? Facing ourselves squarely at this difficult moment might provide a better lesson for the future than allowing ourselves to once again give in to blind fury. Against wishful thinking: Brian Tomasik on how some people hold more hopeful beliefs about the world and the future than are justified. Is it wrong to care more about 4 deaths in Boston than 80 in Syria? Santiago Zabala on the art of Filippo Minelli: When the language that defines our virtual lives is taken beyond the frame of the computer, new meanings emerge. Hatebase is a new initiative from the Sentinel Project, a Canadian group that aims to use social media and other technology to identify early warning signals for ethnic conflict.