
In Central Asia

From the Fletcher Forum, Aigerim Zikibayeva on Kazakhstan’s delicate balancing act. Alfrid Bustanov reviews Soviet and Muslim: The Institutionalization of Islam in Central Asia, 1943-1991 by Eren Murat Tasar. Goodbye Lenin: Eleanor Dalgleish on Tajikistan's new historical narrative. Annabelle Chapman reviews Great Games, Local Rules: The New Great Power Contest in Central Asia by Alexander Cooley. Why is the dictatorship of Kazakhstan getting such good PR? Liz Carolan reviews Presidents, Oligarchs and Bureaucrats: Forms of Rule in the Post-Soviet Space. Was the Eurasian economic union a good deal for Kazakhstan? Melinda Haring and Michael Cecire on why the color revolutions failed: Toppling dictators isn't enough — successful revolutions also embrace the rule of law. Kazakhstan’s and Uzbekistan’s strongmen and their daughters ponder succession. Martin W. Lewis on Zoi’s fantastic Central Asia water map, and Turkmenistan’s geo-engineering projects.