
Cheerleaders for anarchism

A new issue of Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies is out. From the latest issue of Anarchist Studies, whose streets? Michael Truscello and Uri Gordon on anarchism, technology and the petromodern state; Ben Brucato (RPI): Toward a Peak Everything: Postanarchism and Technology Evaluation Schema for Communities in Crisis; and John Duda (Johns Hopkins): Cybernetics, Anarchism and Self-organisation. From Linchpin, an article on the nature of militancy. Slavoj Zizek on the limits of spontaneous self-organization and autonomous zones, and the reinvention of the state. Noam Chomsky comments on Zizek, Lacan and the use of theory in general. From The State, non-practicing mystery cultist m1k3y on anarchist futurism and the lie of history (and part 2 and part 3). Cheerleaders for anarchism: Nikil Saval reviews Two Cheers for Anarchism: Six Easy Pieces on Autonomy, Dignity, and Meaningful Work and Play by James C. Scott (and more and more), The Democracy Project: A History, a Crisis, a Movement by David Graeber (and more), and Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism and Autonomy in Argentina by Marina A. Sitrin. An interview with Paul Cudenec, author of The Anarchist Revelation. The poststructural anarchist: Todd May interviewed by Richard Marshall. An anarchist critique of anarcho-statism; or refuting "anarcho"-capitalism by means of "anarcho"-capitalism.