
Lords of the land

From National Journal, an interview with Zalmay Khalilzad on the Middle East. A letter to President Bush on the Middle East by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lee Hamilton, Carla Hills, Nancy Kassebaum-Baker, Thomas R. Pickering, Brent Scowcroft et al. Why is Syria taking so many strategic and political risks? An article on understanding the Israeli attack on Syria: We now know a little about what happened, but it'll be a long time before we know what it means. Jerome Slater (SUNY-Buffalo): Muting the Alarm over the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The New York Times versus Haaretz, 2000–06. From Forward, talk grows in Israel about splitting Jerusalem. Israel's rising right wing: Together, an enigmatic billionaire and a resurgent Bibi Netanyahu could put Israel on the war path. Dick Cheney, AIPAC and Iran are all watching closely. Dennis Ross on the only way the peace talks will accomplish anything. The business of reconciliation: While Israeli and Palestinian politicians dither, businessmen on both sides have begun to create their own facts on the ground. A review of Lords of the Land: The War for Israel's Settlements in the Occupied Territories, 1967-2007 by Idith Zertal and Akiva Eldar.