
The border between the "Two Englands"

From Open Democracy, an epic story of power, race, wealth, suffering and violence dominated much of the world for 250 years — Piers Brendon offers a balance-sheet of the British empire's achievements. A review of The Decline and Fall of the British Empire, 1781–1997 by Piers Brendon (and more). An interview with British diplomat Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles on life as a blogger and diplomat in a war zone. A review of Psychological Subjects: Identity, Culture, and Health in Twentieth-Century Britain by Mathew Thomson. A review of The End of Tolerance: Racism in 21st Century Britain by Arun Kundnani. Here's a map with the border between the "Two Englands". Handle with care: The Tories flirt with a growing English nationalism. Back off, Jock-baiters: It has always been a myth that Scots are subsidised by England, but new analysis proves conclusively that it is a lie. From Edinburgh Review, a look at the influence of Polish immigrants on British society and how Polish immigration is reawakening dormant community values in Edinburgh. A review of Seawolves: Pirates and the Scots by Eric J Graham. A review of The Scots in South Africa by John Mackenzie. A review of That Neutral Island: A Cultural History of Ireland During the Second World War by Clair Wills. A review of Luck and the Irish: A Brief History of Change, 1970-2000 by Roy Foster (and more and more).