
George W. Bush as a hipster

The comeback of a war president: He may be America's most unpopular politician, but George W. Bush is no lame duck. George Will on how to rein in Bush: A new War Powers Resolution would end unfettered executive war-making. Are we living the nightmare outlined in Federalist #8? With the Inspectors General at various government agencies under fire, a question: Is Bush corrupting the watchdogs? Anthony Lewis reviews Dead Certain: The Presidency of George W. Bush by Robert Draper and The Terror Presidency: Law and Judgment Inside the Bush Administration by Jack Goldsmith. A review of Running Alone: Presidential Leadership from JFK to Bush II—Why It Has Failed and How We Can Fix It by James MacGregor Burns. A review of Founders v. Bush: A Comparison in Quotation of the Policies and Politics of the Founding Fathers and George W. Bush by Steve Coffman. Flak magazine on how we know George W. Bush to be a hipster.