
Changing conceptions of the child

From The Nation, a review of Embryo Culture: Making Babies in the Twenty-First Century by Beth Kohl and Everything Conceivable: How Assisted Reproduction Is Changing Our World by Liza Mundy. From Time, a look at The Great Uncircumcision Debate: More and more men claim that circumcision has made their sex lives suffer, and they're going to great lengths to re-grow their lost skin (and more). A review of Foreskin's Lament by Shalom Auslander. Some say it’s barbaric, others a matter of hygiene. But with babies dying from circumcision, should it continue? The Breast and the Brightest: Does nursing really affect your kid's IQ? Breastfeeding may or may not make children more intelligent — it all depends on their genes. Breast isn't always best: There is no doubt that breastfeeding is beneficial to our children, but we also need to look at the drawbacks. A review of Changing Conceptions of the Child from the Renaissance to Post-Modernity: A Philosophy of Childhood by David Kennedy. What teen girls are made of: An excerpt from Red: The Next Generation of American Writers — Teenage Girls — on What Fires Up Their Lives Today. Smoke this shit: Are kids across America really getting high on fermented feces, or has our national drug panic finally gone too far?