
Intersectional social justice student affairs

Erich N. Pitcher (MSU): Another World is Possible: Envisioning an Intersectional Social Justice Student Affairs Praxis. Mona Gable on the trouble with Oxy: When the news hit that Occidental, the small liberal arts college in Eagle Rock, was the subject of two federal complaints over the way it handled sexual assault cases involving students, it set the campus reeling. Raped on campus? Katie Rose Guest Pryal on why you shouldn’t trust your college to do the right thing. Reed College professor Pancho Savery bans student Jeremiah True from freshman humanities class for his views on rape. Monica Potts on why women’s colleges still matter in the age of trans activism. Tracy Clayton on a black girl’s history with Southern frat racism. Robert Cohen on the historical roots of fraternity racism. Jaya Saxena on the shameful double standard behind punishing fraternities. Wendy Kaminer on the progressive ideas behind the lack of free speech on campus. In college and hiding from scary ideas: Universities, rather than being forums for free expression, are encouraging “safe spaces” to protect delicate sensibilities. Eric Posner on why universities are right — and within their rights — to crack down on speech and behavior: Students today are more like children than adults and need protection (and more). Ideology is seen as factor in closings in University of North Carolina system. Ayn Rand comes to U.N.C.: Jedediah Purdy on a political crackdown at the University of North Carolina.