
Performing life in the Caribbean

Alfred G. Cuzan (West Florida): Fidel Castro: A Machiavellian Prince? Erica Goode on how Cuba’s environmental concerns grow with prospect of U.S. presence. Scott Beyer on Havana, Cuba, the city of scarcity, and on how stagnation doesn’t preserve cities, nor does wealth destroy them. Justin Elliott, ProPublica, and Laura Sullivan on how the Red Cross raised half a billion dollars for Haiti ­and built six homes. Celso Perez on the Dominican Republic’s tortured relationship with its Haitian minority. It’s 2015 and the Dominican Republic is ethnically cleansing itself. The Dominican Republic hasn’t yet acted on its plans to expel hundreds of thousands of people of Haitian descent — but the worst may be yet to come. Athens on the Caribbean: Deepak Lamba-Nieves, Andrew Schrank on Puerto Rico's own financial crisis. No, Puerto Rico isn’t Greece. Lizette Alvarez on the despair and anger as Puerto Ricans cope with debt crisis. Eulynis Brown and Peter Gray (UNLV): Fatherhood in St. Kitts: Patterns and Predictors of Partnership and Paternal Dynamics in a Caribbean Island. Dennis R. Hidalgo (Virginia Tech): Africa in the Caribbean: An Overview. Armand De Mestral (McGill): The Constitutional Functions of the Caribbean Court of Justice. Jossianna Arroyo (Texas): Cities of the Dead: Performing Life in the Caribbean. With Cuba’s opening to the U.S., Caribbean tourism industry uniting to face challenges ahead. The first chapter from Sea of Storms: A History of Hurricanes in the Greater Caribbean from Columbus to Katrina by Stuart B. Schwartz.