
All over the place

Sarah Nouwen (Cambridge): International Criminal Law: Theory All Over the Place. From The Chronicle of Higher Education (which begins its 50th year of publication this week), Karin Fischer on how Syrian students contend with growing anti-refugee rhetoric. Why are people so scared of Syrian refugees? Eric Posner on how humans often fear the wrong things. Rightbloggers: You don’t have to live like a refugee — but if you do, get lost. In Paris’s wake, a changed presidential contest — and electorate. Jonathan Chait on how Republicans learned to stop hating France. The darkness show: Jeff Sharlet on jokes and terror in Paris. Julia Serano on how to write a “Political Correctness Run Amok” article. Lake Wobegon and the Panopticon: Tom Slee on a simulation of real-world reputation systems. Bryce Covert on the ripple effects of Mark Zuckerberg’s two-month paternity leave. Don't travel anywhere for the next three months, basically — that’s the length of the State Department’s new worldwide travel alert.

Allegra Kirkland on the urban legends behind Trump’s 9/11 cheering story. James Downie on Donald Trump and 21st-century McCarthyism. Donald Trump is constantly lying: The past week has made it very clear that Donald Trump has zero concern about the truth. Amber Phillips on 4 theories why Donald Trump’s many falsehoods aren’t hurting him. The media has no idea how to deal with Donald Trump's constant lying.