
What it’s like inside

Tom W. Bell (Chapman): Unconstitutional Quartering, Governmental Immunity, and Van Halen’s Brown M&M Test. Etienne Henry (Neuchatel): Downing of a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 by Turkey: A Legal Analysis. Tom Kludt on Bold, a new right-leaning website aimed at women, millennials, minorities, and the LGBT community. Fox News: Where protests against racial discrimination are anarchy but armed protests against federal law are “patriotic”. Positive contact or “white flight”? Eric Kaufmann on why whites in diverse places are more tolerant of immigration. Alice Ollstein and Emily Atkin on what it’s like inside a pro-Confederate flag rally. Top Jeb Bush political donor in Miami: I’ll vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Romie Scott on Gabriele d'Annunzio, the sex-obsessed poet who invented fascism.