
Leading the way

Jessica Laimann (Bristol): Should We Prohibit Breast Implants? Collective Moral Obligations in the Context of Harmful and Discriminatory Social Norms. From Rolling Stone, el Chapo speaks: Sean Penn on a secret visit with the most wanted man in the world; and Matt Taibbi on the Dumb and the Restless: Ammon Bundy and his band of weeping, self-pitying, gun-toting, wannabe-terrorist metrosexuals are America's most ridiculous people. Libertarian fairy tales: Aaron Bady on the Bundy militia’s revisionist history in Oregon. Brian Fung on why it’s so hard for Washington to draft tech companies against the Islamic State. Feminism to be taught in A-level politics curriculum after teenager’s campaign. With the riot grrrl movement leading the way, the zine has always offered an outlet of self expression for young people — so which are the best ones to start reading?