
Donald Trump’s takeover

Ewan McGaughey (KCL): Fascism-Lite in America (or the Social Ideal of Donald Trump). Joseph Lowndes (Oregon): White Populism and the Transformation of the Silent Majority. Terry Smith (DePaul): White Backlash in a Brown Country. White Power meets business casual: Hannah Gais goes inside the effort to “Make White Nationalism Great Again”. Benjamin Wallace-Wells on the Alt-Right movement and the new conservative populism. The anger of the American people: Emma Green interviews Martha Nussbaum on her new book, Anger and Forgiveness, and the outrage that has fueled Trump and more in U.S. politics. Why are voters angry? It’s the 1099 economy, stupid. There is evidence that voters aren’t angry about the economy after all.Yes, voters really are angry and anxious about the unfairness of the economy. John Sides on how voter anger is mostly about party, not social class.

The Guardian finds the Platonic ideal of a Trump supporter. Why do some people respond to Trump? It’s Biology 101: Conservatives respond to fear-inducing stimuli more than liberals do. Donald Trump and the authoritarian temptation: Shadi Hamid on how the candidate has exposed the tension between democracy and liberal values — just like the Arab Spring did. Orin Kerr on the rise of Donald Trump and the politics of delegitimization. Republican Party unravels over Donald Trump’s takeover. Ross Douthat on the conservative case against Trump. Andrew Prokop interviews Norm Ornstein, the political scientist who saw Trump’s rise coming, on why the Republican Party was ripe for a takeover, what the media missed, and whether Trump could win the presidency.

Trump’s impending nomination means it’s time for a third party. Meet the long-shot candidates who hope to benefit from the GOP’s Trump meltdown. Is the Libertarian Party’s Gary Johnson a plausible alternative to Trump and Clinton? Don’t overthink it: Donald Trump will probably lose. Donald Trump isn’t going to be president. There aren’t enough white dudes in America to elect Donald Trump president.

David Frum on how to save the Republican Party: In Trump’s aftermath, his enemies on the Right will have to take stock and propose a meaningful alternative vision for the GOP’s future. Josh Barro on how the crisis in the Republican Party is even worse than it looks. Jedediah Purdy on what Trump’s rise means for democracy. Elizabeth Drew on Trump’s long game: There’s no frame of reference for what’s to come — the nation is in for a wild ride.

Stefan Pfattheicher (Ulm) and Simon Schindler (Kassel): Misperceiving Bullshit as Profound is Associated with Favorable Views of Cruz, Rubio, Trump and Conservatism.