
Explaining inequality

Dani Rodrik (Harvard): Is Global Equality the Enemy of National Equality? Andrew Hussey (Memphis) and Michael Jetter and Dianne McWilliam (UWA): Explaining Inequality between Countries: The Declining Role of Political Institutions. The introduction to The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century by Walter Scheidel (and more and more). Our economics is broken: Oxfam’s statistics are beyond belief — eight men own more than 3.6 billion people do. Who are the richest of the rich? There are 2,473 billionaires in the world by a new count, and how they got their money and what they plan to do with it are matters of global importance. Is there anything that the world's corporations can do about this scourge that threatens the political, social, and economic sustainability of our democratic market economies? The answer is yes — pay your taxes.