
Just move

Andrew Heiss and Judith G. Kelley (Duke): Between a Rock and a Hard Place: International NGOs and the Dual Pressures of Donors and Host Governments. Jonathan S. Masur and Eric A. Posner (Chicago): Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Judicial Role. Alex De Waal on the end of interventionism. The Trump administration just cut all funding for the UN’s family planning agency. Trump could probably kill the legislative filibuster. GOP senators reject Trump’s call for getting rid of filibuster. This is what a modern-day witch hunt looks like. Invisible manipulators of your mind: Tamsin Shaw reviews The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds by Michael Lewis.

Nicholas Bagley (Michigan): Federalism and the End of Obamacare. This is the triumph of Republican bitterness over human decency: Obamacare’s triumph — except in the South. Republican Mo Brooks blurts out that sick people don’t deserve affordable care; and GOP Congressman Robert Pittenger says sick people who lose affordable health coverage should just move. Obamacare repeal is stuck because too many Republicans like Obamacare. The fight for control of the Heritage Foundation: Jim DeMint’s ouster has become the epicenter of a battle over the direction of the conservative movement.