
Forms of incessant online contact

From Dissent, an article on Ghandi's burden — and ours; and does European social democracy have a future? A review of You Can't Be President: The Outrageous Barriers to Democracy in America by John R. MacArthur. When William Styron published The Confessions of Nat Turner 40 years ago, black writers objected to his use of dialect and his invocation of inflammatory stereotypes. Brave New World of Digital Intimacy: The effects of News Feed, Twitter and other forms of incessant online contact. Counting our towns: Are we a nation of big cities or of small towns? There it is: The absolute nightmare scenario, from the standpoint of political procedure: A tie in the Electoral College. An excerpt from Amnesty After Atrocity? Healing Nations After Genocide and War Crimes by Helena Cobban. A review of A Greener Faith: Religious Environmentalism and our Planet's Future by Roger S. Gottlieb. There are so many good and tasty reasons to eat insects that the 20-per-cent minority of Earthlings who don’t practice entomophagy should listen up. A review of An Elusive Science: The Troubling History of Education Research by Ellen Condliffe Lagemann. The war on terrorism, between World War IV and optical illusion: The introduction to The Politics of Chaos in the Middle East by Olivier Roy. More on Grand New Party by Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam.