
The most obvious status symbol

From Foreign Affairs, Stephen Sestanovich (Columbia): What Has Moscow Done? Rebuilding U.S.-Russian Relations; Barnett R. Rubin (NYU) and Ahmed Rashid (PCIP): From Great Game to Grand Bargain: Ending Chaos in Afghanistan and Pakistan; and Paul Collier (Oxford): The Politics of Hunger: How Illusion and Greed Fan the Food Crisis. Ex-Bush official Nicholas Burns on why we should talk to our enemies. From Military Review, a look at How Jesse James, the Telegraph, and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 Can Help the Army Win the War on Terrorism. From World Politics Review, a special section on the Al-Qaeda we don't know — the 055 Brigade and the AQIM; and the limits of the counterterrorism approach. Is Osama bin Laden writing a book? Rumors that he’s working on a book called "Nidal" ("Struggle"). Drones vs. Terrorists: Are terrorists regaining the advantage over our killing machines? From The Nation, a review of books on Lebanon. From FT, a review of The Secret Life of Syrian Lingerie: Intimacy and Design by Malu Halasa and Rana Salam. From Vanity Fair, as Bombay heaves its way into the global economy, a car is the most obvious status symbol — despite traffic that congeals first thing each day, honks to a crescendo, and never unsnarls; and a look at why everything's Bigfoot in Texas. And a website memorializes This. Fucking. Election.