
What ever happened to the future?

A new issue of Judgment and Decision Making is out. From The Nation, a special issue on working together for a Green New Deal. An interview with Louis Hyman on writing a book about the history of debt. Could Twitter become terrorists' newest killer app? From Spiked, a review of Dubai: The Vulnerability of Success by Christopher M Davidson. What ever happened to the future? Michael Hanlon takes the long view. Susan George on how we can borrow lessons from the early 1940s to transform our shattered economies and halt runaway climate change. The Hitler Meme: What’s the appeal of Adolf Hitler freaking out? China is becoming the biggest producer of pharmaceutical ingredients in the world — but the F.D.A. inspects just a tiny fraction of China’s drug plants; can we be sure what we’re taking is safe? Can this paper be saved? Pick up a copy of The Washington Times today and, aside from its still vociferously conservative opinion pages, you might mistake it for a regular newspaper. One reason magazines are suffering: Their covers. Get your fix of funny pictures from the life in the military, and show some respect!! Has Homer turned blue? Euan Ferguson looks forward to some post-watershed Simpsons action. The first chapter from The Taylorized Beauty of the Mechanical: Scientific Management and the Rise of Modernist Architecture by Mauro F. Guillen.