
First things first

From The New Yorker, David Remnick on The Joshua Generation: Race and the campaign of Barack Obama; Ryan Lizza on how Obama won; James Wood on Obama's victory speech: A very good night for the English language; George Packer on how the economic crisis can help Obama redefine the Democrats; Roger Angell on a new start for the Greatest Generation; and article on Rahm Emanuel’s mind, body, and spirit. Paul Krugman on Franklin Delano Obama. First things first: Some thoughts on what Obama's top priority should be. Doris Kearns Goodwin on learning from past presidents in moments of crisis. A look at how transition periods have played out over the past six administrations. From GOOD, a look at the First 100 Days of the last 12 presidents. Sometimes continuity trumps change: Three Bush appointees in crucial positions likely to remain. In the great national narrative, where will Obama's election really fit? Five historians answer. From Time, an article on the official end of the Reagan Era. GOP rebranded: How New England's Republicans can hit "restart". What's ahead for Gov. Palin? Seven challenges. From National Review, an interview with Joe the Plumber. What a long, strange trip it’s been: Bill Ayers looks back on a surreal campaign season (and an interview at The New Yorker). Obameidolia: Well, you knew this had to happen eventually.