
Optimism is a Warm Gun

From Guernica, An interview with Bernard-Henri Levy; and what can a California geographer possibly teach us about the American troop surge and ethnic cleansing in Iraq? Three trends bode ill for our future: the increase in weather disasters, the black market in organs and the growing demand for drinking water. A review of The Earth after Us: What Legacy Will Humans Leave in the Rocks? by Jan Zalasiewicz. The Great Persuader: Like FDR and Reagan, Obama can move a crowd — but can he do what they did and move the country? Odd man out: An article on Chuck Hagel’s Republican exile. From Edge, Sendhil Mullainathan on the irony of poverty. The chaplain's dilemma: Can pastors in the military serve God and government? From Commentary, an article on speculators, politicians, and financial disasters. Optimism is a Warm Gun: Daniel Larison on how the smiley ideology kills happiness. The Reformer's Rubbish: Archaeologists unveil secrets of Luther's life. How about a little loyalty? In politics, media and beyond, our society's new heroes are complicated people with glimmers of hope — a look at pop culture now.  From nth position, a review of books on HG Wells. An interview with Tracy Chapman, the quiet revolutionary. An interview with James K. Galbraith, populist economist. Britain’s four nations: For John Lloyd, the UK is likely to remain united.