
Pseudo-concrete ideals

From Human Affairs, a special issue on The Ideals of the Good Life, including Richard Shusterman (FAU): The Good Life, The Examined Life, and the Embodied Life; Erich Mistrík (Comenius): Pseudo-Concrete Ideals of a Good Life; Blanka Sulavíkova (SAS): The Good Life and the Ideal of Flexibility; and L'Uboslava Sejcova (Comenius): Body Dissatisfaction. A review of books on human rights and humanitarian intervention. After Bush: E.J. Dionne, Jr. on why 2009 finally marks the beginning of the 21st century. The sentimentality of crowds: Charities wonder if giving donors control over their donations makes for wise policy. Online v. print reading: which one makes us smarter? Not-So-Lonely Planet: A photograph of the earthrise taken on Christmas Eve 1968 provided a new perspective on the thing that all humanity shares. More on The Choice of Hercules by AC Grayling. A review of Sneaker Wars: The Enemy Brothers Who Founded Adidas and Puma and the Family Feud That Forever Changed the Business of Sport by Barbara Smit. More on Reborn: Early Diaries 1947-1964 by Susan Sontag (and more and more; and more from Bookforum). An interview with Russ Roberts, author of The Price of Everything: A Parable of Possibility and Prosperity. Welcome to the coldest town on earth: Oymyakon, Siberia, is bracing for temps as low as -90 degrees Fahrenheit.