
The neocortex is the limit

From The Economist, a special report on entrepreneurship. From The University Bookman, an essay on Russell Kirk’s legacy after 15 years; an essay on Russell Kirk’s philosophy of education; from tradition to "values conservatism": Paul Gottfried on Kirk’s legacy; Lee Edwards on the many roots of American order; John Willson on a foreign policy for (probably not very many) Americans; a review of Russian Conservatism and Its Critics: A Study in Political Culture by Richard Pipes; a review of Why Conservation Is Failing and How It Can Regain Ground by Eric T. Freyfogle. Soaps, sex and sociology: Do women who watch telenovelas have fewer babies (but more men)? Daniel Gross on why Obama should pay no attention at all to stock prices. Stayin' Alive: Jonathan Cohn on the inside story of health care reform's near-death experience. How well does online punditry translate on the printed page? Stephen Howe finds out. With financial crisis and scandal as backdrop, Americans are questioning whether plutocrats are either indispensable or deserving. Primates on Facebook: Even online, the neocortex is the limit. Michael Berube reviews Sean Carroll's From Eternity to Here: The Origin of the Universe and the Arrow of Time. A review of Epicureanism at the Origins of Modernity by Catherine Wilson. A review of Men in Caring Occupations: Doing Gender Differently by Ruth Simpson.