
You are what you give

From The Walrus, after sixty years, Harlequin Romance books are still enslaving readers — what’s their secret? (and more on covers); for the Haida of the Pacific Northwest, the potlach is still at the centre of a culture of in which you are what you give. From The New Criterion, an article on deprogramming the MFA: On the real consequences of "The Program Era"; a look at the cultural contradictions of J. M. Keynes; and bollocks to vulgarity: Anthony Daniels on lowness that proclaims itself. Steal This Book (for $9.99): Welcome to the latest dust-up in publishing — how much should an e-book cost? A review of The Swine Flu Affair: Decision-Making on a Slippery Disease (1976) by Richard Neustadt and Harvey Fineberg. Choire Sicha reviews The Age of Anxiety: A History of America’s Turbulent Affair with Tranquilizers by Andrea Tone. From Esquire, who the hell is Stanley McChrystal? (and more) From The Washington Monthly, Henry Waxman’s climate change bill won’t make it into law this year — that’s why he’s the right guy for the job. Philosophy majors, get a job: If liberal arts grads want a business career, all the advanced education in the world won't help — they need experience. The end of civil rights: If we really want to fix inequality, it's time for a new approach.