
Humans will become obsolete

From IEET, with mindcloning we will have our first experience with the technological possibility of substrate-independent identity. A look at the 5 most likely ways humans will become obsolete. Should we worry that there seems to be no way to relate to animals without exploiting them? A review of Elizabeth Royte's Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It. Andrea Walker reviews Reasons for and Advantages of Breathing by Lydia Peelle. The science of diplomacy: Obama has won over the scientific community — now, he should adopt their resources and influence for a novel use, bolstering America's foreign policy. Teaching in the twenty-first century: What does a college education really amount to in our day and age? An interview with Daryl Collins, author of Portfolios of the Poor: How the World's Poor Live on $2 A Day. Longtime General Motors reporter David Welch looks back on how America's premier auto company, got trapped in groupthink. How the UAW's new ownership stake in GM and Chrysler will defang the union. The individual aspects of motor racing can be intellectually appreciated, but the sum of the total adds up to a pure, gut-stirring experience that's all about feeling. Can judicial confirmation hearings really be transformed into "teachable moments"?