
One calamity after another

From Vanity Fair, talking to students, alumnae, and the headmistress, Evgenia Peretz discovers that Tatum Bass, a student at Miss Porter’s School, in Farmington, Connecticut, violated a deep, unspoken code. An excerpt from Bite the Hand That Feeds You: Essays and Provocations by Henry Fairlie. A review of The Unfinished Game: Pascal, Fermat and the Seventeenth-Century Letter that Made the World Modern by Keith Devlin. Can you run a government with prediction markets? They actually might be useful for all kinds of political and business decisions. The starting gun for a student movement: The news that Benno Ohnesorg was shot by a Stasi spy sheds new light on the birth of '68 (and more). Highborn Fools: A review of books by Duc de Saint-Simon. How much will the financial crisis hurt America’s economic potential? Obsessive Housing Disorder: Nearly a century of Washington’s efforts to promote homeownership has produced one calamity after another. How much is a dead Nigerian worth to Shell? A look at how attractiveness enhances income prospects. Wrong Again: Why Naomi Wolf needs to update her knowledge of feminism. A review of David Sedley's Creationism and Its Critics in Antiquity. Jessa Crispin reviews Wrath of Angels: The American Abortion War by Jim Risen and Judy Thomas.