
Figures of postwar philosophy

James Ingram (McMaster): The Politics of Claude Lefort's Political: Between Liberalism and Radical Democracy. Ben Golder (UNSW): Foucault, Anti-humanism and Human Rights. From Borderlands, a special issue on Jacques Ranciere and Queer Theory, including Todd May (Clemson): There are no Queers: Jacques Ranciere and post-identity politics; Hector Kollias (King’s): How Queer is the Demos? Politics, sex, and equality; Richard Stamp (Bath Spa): The Torsion of Politics and Friendship in Derrida, Foucault  and Ranciere; and Paul Bowman (Cardiff): Aberrant Pedagogies: JR, QT and Bruce Lee. A review of Hatred of Democracy by Jacques Ranciere. A review of L'esprit du nihilisme. Une ontologique de l'Histoire by Mehdi Belhaj Kacem. A review of The Aesthetics of Disappearance by Paul Virilio. An interview with Chantal Mouffe, author of The Democratic Paradox. A review of The Transparency of Evil by Jean Baudrillard. An interview with Daniel Bensaid, author of In Praise of Profane Politics. A review of Unlearning or "How NOT to Be Governed?" by Nader N Chokr. A review of Soft Subversions: Texts and Interviews 1977-1985 by Felix Guattari. A review of Prince of Networks: Bruno Latour and Metaphysics by Graham Harman. The phrase "baggy monster" couldn't be a more appropriate epithet for Luce Irigaray's Speculum of the Other Woman: a still controversial and poorly understood (but much quoted and referenced) work. A review of Logics of Worlds: Being and Event II by Alain Badiou. Daytime TV, enduring love: Alain Badiou can't get a word in, but Emily Bronte's doomed lovers speak volumes. A review of Pocket Pantheon: Figures of Postwar Philosophy by Alain Badiou.