
Talk of food

From Smart Set, saving dough: Greg Beato on the costly mistake of ending complimentary bread; we speak what we eat: In Greece, to talk of food is to talk about morality, clothing, religion, health, history; and getting stuffed: Being vegetarian doesn't mean you have to give up the historic decadence of meat stuffed in meat stuffed in more meat. A review of Just Food: Where Locavores Get It Wrong and How We Can Truly Eat Responsibly by James E. McWilliams. Mayo dripping at the Gates of Hell: A viral-media expert by trade, Jessica Amason crafted a web sensation out of bacon and melted cheese. From The New Yorker, does Whole Foods’ C.E.O. John Mackey know what’s best for you? Nick Paumgarten investigates (and an interview with John Mackey at Reason). Tony Judt on English food: "Just because you grow up on bad food, it does not follow that you lack nostalgia for it". A look at how Britain has had a long and sometimes problematic relationship with alcohol. Brewing up a civilization: Did our Neolithic ancestors turn to agriculture so that they could be sure of a tipple? A review of The Search for God and Guinness: A Biography of the Beer that Changed the World by Stephen Mansfield. We're all wine critics now: How the Internet has democratized drinking. They pour, sip and, with passion and snobbery, glorify or doom wines — but studies say the wine-rating system is badly flawed; how the experts fare against a coin toss. A review of Roger Scruton’s I Drink Therefore I Am: A Philosopher’s Guide to Wine (and more and more). A review of Everything but the Coffee: Learning about America from Starbucks by Bryant Simon.