
Standing athwart history

A review of Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein. Right Makes Might: How did Conservatives overtake the American political scene? Standing athwart history: Lee Edwards on the political thought of William F. Buckley Jr (and more and more on William F. Buckley Jr.: The Maker of a Movement). The heir to Buckley, Kristol and Neuhaus, Robert George is the new leader of American intellectual conservatism. Lee Haddigan (Delaware): The Importance of Christian Thought for the American Libertarian Movement: Christian Libertarianism, 1950–71. Walter Block (Loyola): Is Milton Friedman a Libertarian? From Liberty, intellectual property has no place in any truly libertarian definition of property rights; serving up minarchy, with a cup of hot coffee on the side — that's what Don Crawford found in a private service organization; if we drop our self-righteousness, we might make some friends for liberty; and bridging the two libertarianisms: What is an impure moral consequentialist? An interview with Jeffrey A. Miron, author of Libertarianism, from A to Z. Escape from America: Mark Ames on the strange and scary billionaires behind the libertarian-inspired sea castles. From The Tablet, a review of Neoconservatism: The Biography of a Movement by Justin Vaisse (and more). James Kirchick on why "neoconservative" is not a Jewish word. A review of Running Commentary: The Contentious Magazine that Transformed the Jewish Left into the Neoconservative Right by Benjamin Balint (and more and more). From NYRM, a profile of The American Conservative. From the Acton Institute, a review of Reappraising the Right by George Nash; and will Tea Parties awaken America’s moral culture?