
Europe gets it right

A new issue of Romanian Journal of European Affairs is out. Alec Stone Sweet (Yale): The European Court of Justice and the Judicialization of EU Governance. Giuditta Caliendo (Naples) and Elena Magistro (London): The Human Face of the European Union: A Critical Study. From the Journal of Political Ideologies, Jan-Werner Mueller (Princeton): The Triumph of What (If Anything)? Rethinking Political Ideologies and Political Institutions in Twentieth-Century Europe. The first chapter from European History for Dummies by Sean Lang. Heavenly messages from the depths of prehistory may be encoded on the walls of caves throughout Europe. A review of Making Europe: The Global Origins of the Old World. From Renewal, Gerassimos Moschonas on the EU and the identity of social democracy. Europe's butterfly effect: Focusing on the finer issues could help Europe to colour the bigger picture. A review of The Birth of Classical Europe by Simon Price and Peter Thonemann. Only months after the euro zone seemed on the verge of collapsing, Europe aims to put its debt crisis behind it. From Dissent, Yascha Mounk on Europe's Disoriented Right. Euro-paralysis is an illusion: In the midst of the crisis, Europeans did not hesitate to act and to embrace reform — there is no shortage of evidence of swift and decisive action. Europe gets it right: The continent's surprising comeback. How Europe was saved: The work of historian Tony Judt pays heed to the power of words. A review of A Community of Europeans? Transnational Identities and Public Spheres by Thomas Risse. The case of Turkey is compelling because it reflects a larger theme: What makes a bloc like the European Union thrive, or even function effectively?