
Does it matter where you go to college?

From The American Scholar, opposition to affirmative action has drastically reduced minority enrollment at public universities; private institutions have the power and the responsibility to reverse the trend. Experts have for some time been acknowledging that too many people are paying too much for schooling they don't need — how many grad students do we need? To hell with student loans — it's time for college to be free. The enrollment controversy: Worries that efforts in the U.S. to limit enrollment of Asian students in top universities may migrate to Canada. Adam Stevenson on the economic case for open access in academic publishing. An interview with John J. Sloan and Bonnie S. Fisher, authors of The Dark Side of the Ivory Tower: Campus Crime as a Social Problem. Does it matter where you go to college? What sensible and ambitious students should keep in mind about where they go to school (and more). Incisive debate on contemporary issues is curtailed by the glacial pace of academic publishing — adopting new journalistic models would inject vitality into academics' work. How to be a graduate student: Tips from the student rep. Gavin McInnes on 10 unbelievable things he was taught in college. The Perils of Higher Ed: College life can be downright detrimental — sleep deprivation, a bad diet and binge drinking can lead you to memory loss, alcoholism and even Alzheimer's. Why free online lectures will destroy universities — unless they get their act together fast. The cop beats the professor: Skip college — you will earn more as a cop.