
No one listens

Erik C. Snowberg (Stanford), Justin Wolfers (Penn), and Eric Zitzewitz (Dartmouth): How Prediction Markets Can Save Event Studies. Koch Industries lackeys admit to manipulating oil prices — and gloat about it, too. Theroux’s Gorey: Ideally, friendship is based on mutual admiration, while the relationship between fan and artist is more asymmetrical. Navy says chaplains may perform same-sex unions. Otto E. Rossler has a scientific proof that can save everyone’s life but no one listens. Sharia bans in 15 states are unconstitutional and unnecessary — and they misunderstand Sharia altogether. An excerpt from Bradley Manning: Truth and Consequences by Greg Mitchell (and part 2). The lesser evil: Joshua Keating on the relativism of corruption. A (very) brief history of corruption: What trends in the prevalence of corruption has the world experienced in recent years? There’s a peculiar odor to burning hope; it’s the smell of exhaust fumes, human sweat, and a fast-food container interred under a seat cushion — Kevin Fanning becomes a commuter. A review of A Thousand Times More Fair: What Shakespeare's Plays Teach Us About Justice by Kenji Yoshino (and more). An article on gangstas vs. rednecks and their weirdly similar subcultures. A review of Pleasure Bound: Victorian Sex Rebels and the New Eroticism by Deborah Lutz. An interview with David Brooks, the man who can measure true happiness. Why do fake phone numbers start with 555? Andrew Losowsky on the truth behind the failure of iPad magazines. Until cancer attacked his vocal cords, Christopher Hitchens didn’t fully appreciate what was meant by “a writer’s voice,” or the essential link between speech and prose — as a man who loved to talk, he turns to the masters of such conversation, both in history and in his own circle. An interview with Umair Haque on how to beat Wall Street once and for all.