

Miscellaneous: David Remnick on the Israel Lobby and Stephen M. Walt and John J. Mearsheimer. Is the nation state obsolete? An essay on Martin van Creveld and Roger Scruton. A review of Answering the Call of the Court: How Justices and Litigants Set the Supreme Court Agenda by Vanessa A. Baird. Here's a nominee for the very worst thing about the U.S. media, the single greatest harm the media do to American society. With state laws leaving officials with not much leverage, the concrete island on the Arizona desert continues to grow with little control. Is personal happiness enough when there is so much suffering in the world, or is it selfish to focus on the misfortune of strangers to the exclusion of loved ones? The Hollow Men: An article on Hitchens, Dawkins, and Harris. From Economic Principals, the real estate sector may not heretofore have been a standard chapter in the story of manias, panics and crashes.  Henceforth, though, it is sure to be! 

40 Years of The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual: On the anniversary of Harold Cruse's landmark work, Scott McLemee talks with a historian of Black Power about the book's complex legacy. An excerpt from Dying for a Home: Homeless Activists Speak Out, by Cathy Crowe. An interview with Ruth Wisse, author of Jews and Power (and a review). A review of Lust in Translation: The Rules of Infidelity from Tokyo to Tennessee by Pamela Drukerman. Men choose romance over success: Study suggests men more willing to sacrifice achievement goals for a romantic relationship. Philip H. Gordon on why the president should take some cues from the Cold War. The transformation: An article on a family doctor's journey from man to woman, and what it means for his family of patients. Does America need a recession? An intriguing, if unpopular, thought. 

Regina Frances Burch (Capital): The Myth of the Unbiased Director. From Financial Times, Edward Luce on how Republicans' jockeying on terrorism is terrifying. Who is the Other Woman? Writers reveal their personal stories of being "the mistress" or "the wife". An article on the cost of hidden bias at work. The introduction to Mercy on Trial: What It Means to Stop an Execution Austin Sarat (and an interview). Tribalism is unthinking, it brooks no disagreement. It is, essentially, anti-democratic, as we know if we look around the world.  Pure Sex, Pure Love X-Games: Can you be friends with your ex boyfriend/girlfriend? The false modesty movement: A fashion trend that pushes anti-feminist values sends a dangerous message to young women. A review of Philip Jenkins' God's Continent: Christianity, Islam, and Europe's Religious Crisis.