
A stop to the insanity

Oliver H. Gerstenberg (Leeds): (The Failure of) Public Law and the Deliberative Turn. Kevin Lee Brady (Chicago): Are Readable Judicial Opinions Cited More Often? Staring death in the face on a regular basis has long been reason enough for soldiers to turn to the devil drink. From TNR, can someone put a stop to the insanity of political redistricting? (and more) David Roberts on why climate change doesn't spark moral outrage, and how it could. If public schools have lousy test scores, they're failures and their students all get vouchers — but if the private schools have lousy test scores, then nothing. From 3:AM, Darran Anderson on impossible cities. How about the Commission subsidizing bloggers to create a European blogosphere? Protesilaos Stavrou wonders. Oil change: What if we could make all the oil we need out of algae?