
Continental thoughts

From Philosophy Now, a special section on Continental Thoughts. Joshua Rayman (South Florida): The Specter of Liberation: Emancipatory Possibilities in the Political Theory of Marcuse and Zizek. Sophie Loidolt (TU Darmstadt): The Phenomenological Arendt. Alexandros Schismenos (Ioannina): Time in the Ontology of Cornelius Castoriadis. Rethinking minds: Richard Marshall interviews Soren Overgaard on the Wittgenstein, Levinas, Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty gang. Kristina Lepold (Frankfurt): An Ideology Critique of Recognition: Judith Butler in the Context of the Contemporary Debate on Recognition. Robert Trumbull (Washington): Freud Beyond Foucault: Thinking Pleasure as a Site of Resistance. It’s just not my life: Julia Kristeva responds. Pure jet lag: Christopher Lee on thinking with Paul Virilio (1932-2018).