
The Iraq hangover

Charles Lemert (Wesleyan): The Senator and the Philosopher: What Liberalism Might Have Been. From The Chronicle, Alan Wolfe on the conservative collapse; Paul Starr on the new liberal opportunity; and Todd Gitlin on the new liberal agenda. A review of Naomi Wolf's End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot. From The Nation, they're loud, lion-hearted, obnoxious and essential to democracy. And as an unjust war continues to create enormous suffering, we need people brave enough to practice extreme politics. Mess o’ Mobilizations: The two major antiwar coalitions have very different constituencies — or do they? Scott McLemee looks at some crunched numbers. From Adbusters, it will all fall down: An interview with Seymour Hersh, and Matt Taibbi on the cure for the Iraq War hangover.