
The Latin American Left

A new issue of the Journal of Politics in Latin America is out, including Philip Kitzberger (UTDT): The Media Politics of Latin America’s Leftist Governments. Roberto Gargarella examines the strong tradition of social-rights constitutionalism in Mexico and Latin America and why its promise hasn't been fulfilled. The end of the Latin American Left: Will Hugo Chavez’s revolution die with him? (and more on Chavez). Manifesto of Isla del Sol: Evo Morales on ten commandments against capitalism, for life and humanity (and more on the promises and challenges of Bolivia’s socialist government). Mark Dinneen reviews Brazil on the Rise: The Story of a Country Transformed by Larry Rohter. The widow fears a coup: Did Kirchnerismo and the Argentinian opposition both betray their social ideals? Literature and revolution in Latin America: Dan La Botz reviews Redeemers: Ideas and Power in Latin America by Enrique Krauze.