
Changing gender politics

The inaugural issue of History of Women in the Americas is out. Hilary Charlesworth (ANU) and Christine Chinkin (LSE): The Creation of UN Women. Monica McWilliams (Ulster) and Fionnuala D. Ni Aolain (Minnesota): “There is a War Going on You Know”: Addressing the Complexity of Violence Against Women in Conflicted and Post Conflict Societies. Sahar F. Aziz (Texas Wesleyan): Democracy, Like Revolution, is Unattainable Without Women. Louise Fahey (Limerick): Theories of Feminism vs. Multiculturalism in Relation to Female Genital Mutilation. Why feminists should oppose the burqa: Islamic veiling is a form of sexist patriarchal oppression, and supporters of equality have a responsibility to say so, argues Terri Murray. From Mail Online, the women-hating Twitter trolls unmasked: From a respected military man to a former public schoolboy, men who anonymously spew out vile abuse online. Emily Greenhouse on Anita Sarkeesian and Twitter’s free-speech problem. Meet the female Indian vigilantes who are striking back: A 20,000-strong troop of women is changing gender politics in India. Meet Kimberly Motley, the American lawyer crusading for women inside Afghanistan’s tricky legal system. Christina Hoff Sommers on how to get more women (and men) to call themselves feminists: Focus on injustice, poverty, and women in parts of the world beyond the United States. Kurt Eichenwald on the controversial Texas law that would make screening for such health issues all but inaccessible to most women in his state.