
Betting on humanity’s future

From Grist, is humanity smarter than a protozoan? David Roberts wonders. From Vice, Nathan Curry on how the First World is destroying the Third World through climate change — actually, humanity is getting verrrrrrry close to extinction. Is energy a deadlock for humanity? Maciek Hacaga on how technology isn't going to solve our resource constraints. New green vision: Fred Pearce on technology as our planet’s last best hope. Jon Turney reviews On Gaia: A Critical Investigation of the Relationship between Life and Earth by Toby Tyrrell. Sir David Attenborough warns against large families and predicts things will only get worse (and more). Everything is exactly as they said it would be, when they said "we're fucked". Betting on humanity’s future: Ronald Bailey reviews The Bet: Paul Ehrlich, Julian Simon, and Our Gamble Over Earth’s Future by Paul Sabin. Lawrence Rifkin on the survival of humanity: An existential catastrophe would obliterate or severely limit the existence of all future humanity. From i09, George Dvorsky on how the pseudoscience of Social Darwinism nearly destroyed humanity; and on how a new digital ecology is evolving, and humans are being left behind. From Long Now Foundation, toward a manual for civilization: Our ability to collaborate is a strength, but beyond a point we risk losing comprehension of the infrastructure that supports our modern lives — how can we retain that knowledge? Odette Gregory on why there is no need for an end: What if our grand questions about the world ended with, “I don’t know” — would that harm us?