
Not the time

John O. Hayward (Bentley): Religious Pretenders in the Courts: Unmasking the Imposters. Patrick H. O'Neil (Puget Sound): The Deep State: An Emerging Concept in Comparative Politics. From NYRB, here be monsters: Marina Warner reviews Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps by Chet Van Duzer and Sea Monsters: A Voyage Around the World’s Most Beguiling Map by Joseph Nigg. Meet Ryan Shapiro, the punk rocker who can liberate your FBI file. Henry Aaron and Harold Pollack on why now's not the time for liberals to say "I told you so" about Obamacare. Did the feds fix Maggie Fox, Mike O'Brien and Mark Murray on how we’ll know. How will we know Obamacare is working? The media will stop covering it. John Cassidy on why liberalism will survive Obamacare. Brad Plumer on 103 different ways to reduce the deficit. George Dvorsky on how we'll swear in the future. USA Today lets go top climate reporter Dan Vergano, embraces confusionist Bjorn Lomborg. Eugene Brennan reviews Reflections on Anti-Semitism by Alain Badiou, Eric Hazan and Ivan Segre. Dukakis and the Tank: Josh King on the inside story of the worst campaign photo op ever. Susan B. Glasser on the price of smart power: Will Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran come at the cost of Syrian lives? Jacqueline Millner on why Yoko Ono still matters. Gawker Media has more readers than the top-circulation U.S. magazines — who's out-of-touch now? A to Zine: Sabrina Ricci on a guide to understanding zines. Gavin Jamieson on 5 “crazy people” who were right all along.